Friday, May 13, 2011

Blog Expansion

So, we're nearing the end of Merlin Season One, at which point I've been intending to begin working other shows into the mix; next up is Angel, during which I will continue reviewing Merlin and Doctor Who, but somewhat less frequently. I've recently realized that Joss Whedon has had remarkably bad luck in television for the past few years, resulting in several shows which remained critical darlings during their brief runs, but were all canceled after one or two seasons as a result of low ratings. Unfortunate, certainly, but resulting in several perfect candidates for this blog. So, up at some indistinct point in the future, Dollhouse and Firefly; and, although I do have my eye on both Supernatural and The X-Files for possible future blog material, I'm afraid both of those will have to wait for a while.

In preparation for the beginning of my Angel posts, what do I know about the series? I've kept myself entirely non-spoiled as far as plot-relevant details go (except for that one time when Buffy decided to go all crossover and do a "previously on Angel" sequence... seriously, show?), but haven't been able to avoid general-premise information. It takes place in the Buffyverse, in Los Angeles, putting it close enough to the action in Sunnydale to remain firmly planted in Buffy's world without intruding on her territory; most of the main characters from Buffy have made appearances on Angel, either as main characters or guest stars, and among the names I've heard bandied about are Angel (heh), Cordy, Wesley, Harmony, Spike, and Dru, with, if I'm correct, occasional appearances from Faith, Buffy, and Willow. Angel heads up some demon-fighting organization (way to go pro on Buffy, there), and the show features quite a large cast of original characters. Apart from that, I'm entirely in the dark on plot developments, and the reactions you'll witness on this blog will be my initial, un-spoiled ones. I intend to go one episode at a time (except for two-parters, possibly), which should be something of a challenge; however, I'll do my best to pace myself, and expect to have quite the chronicle of posts by the time I finish the series.

On to Angel!

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