All right, I'm officially halfway through the first season, and as a dutiful reviewer, here are a few predictions I'm setting down regarding the course I suspect the show will take during the latter part of Season One. A few are hunches or pure speculation, while others are based on an observation of the trajectory the story has taken thus far. At the end of this season I'll revisit them and examine my general level of accuracy.
- Cordelia and Wesley are NOT going to pursue a romantic relationship; Cordy will probably hang on to Doyle's memory for a while, and if there is any attraction, it will be on Wesley's side.
- Wesley becomes slightly more competent (this is pretty much a given, as there's really no way he could become less competent).
- Wolfram and Hart will escalate their aggression toward Angel, culminating in an attempt to kill him/take out Angel Investigations entirely, possibly in the season finale.
- No other main characters are going to die this season.
- Kate Lockley will continue in her recurring role, eventually accepting Angel's vampire nature (this may apply to later seasons as well).
- No new characters will be added to the opening credits.
- Angel will forego at least one more opportunity for happiness/a normal life.
- The team will fight demons, and Angel will be angsty. (See what I did there?)
All right; I've enjoyed the ride so far; lets see where the show goes from here.
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